Apple Takes Wraps off Al/ML Residency Program

Apple has unveiled a year-long AI/ML residency program where experts in non-AI fields are invited to apply their expertise in building new ML or AI-powered products and experiences.

Michael Rennaker, a lead at research in academic for Apple AI/ML, first drew attention to the program in a tweet: “If you have expertise in [a] field outside of AI, can code, and want to dip your toe into the world of Machine Learning, we've created this program just for you!”

Demand for domain experts in ML growing

The need for domain experts to understand machine learning is growing, says Apple, as intelligent experiences to solve problems are implemented across hardware, software, and services. The purpose of the AI/ML residency program is to immerse these domain experts in the ML space, investing in their technical and theoretical machine learning development to advance their professional careers.

Apple is hence looking to welcome residents with STEM graduate degrees (or with equivalent industry experience) across a broad swathe, from software development backgrounds to niche expertise such as neuroscience, linguistics, psychology, or even design.

“The residents will have the opportunity to attend personalized machine learning and AI courses, learn from an Apple mentor closely involved in their program, collaborate with fellow multi-talented residents, and gain hands-on experience working on high-impact projects with our machine learning teams,” says Apple in its release.

Applicants will need to have a graduate degree in a STEM field or have equivalent experience in software engineering and must also be proficient coders with experience completing a moderate-sized software project.

The program begins from the middle of next year, and listed locations are in the United States, Switzerland, and Germany. You can apply here.

Photo credit: iStockphoto/Kritchanut