Top Online Data Science Courses

The rapidly evolving health situation means that many cities have gone into lockdowns, while schools are being closed in large swathes of countries in a bid to limit the spread of the virus.

Learn data science online

For aspiring data scientists, or even current professionals looking to brush up their skill set, there are ample online resources for data science available. So even if your classes are cancelled, or you might be stuck at home as part of a lockdown or quarantine, there is no excuse to stop learning.

We look at some of the top recommendations for data science courses out there on data science and programming.

Data science

Programming and others

  • Learn to program: The fundamentals – Learn programming with this Coursera-hosted introduction to fundamental concepts in Python, probably the most popular language for data scientists.
  • Learn Data Science with R – A 10-part series by an established expert in R and data analytics that also serves as a primer on the basics of R programming.
  • Foundations of data analysis – Get the hang of statistical thinking and dive into statistics using R with this course by the University of Texas at Austin.
  • SQL for data science – For those unfamiliar with SQL, this course offers the fundamentals of SQL to access data stored in traditional database systems.

The above is just a source list of the many resources out there. You can find additional recommendations here, here and here.

Photo credit: iStockphoto/Bet_Noire