Scuderia AlphaTauri is looking to shave off precious milliseconds in F1 racing with its partnership with Epicor.
The multi-year agreement builds on an already successful long-term technology relationship.
Epicor will use data and analytics to help Scuderia AlphaTauri team to drive continuous performance improvements, both on and off the track.
"In our data-driven world, there is no offseason. The demand for high-quality data and intelligence across every aspect of our business and racing operations is paramount," said Franz Tost, team principal of Scuderia AlphaTauri.
Each AlphaTauri car has more than 14,000 precision components. Many of those parts are custom-made onsite by technical designers and engineers. Historically, managing the production of each piece, understanding the lifespan, and ensuring the correct parts were ready for race day used to be challenging with manual processes and siloed software systems.
Epicor Kinetic removes these concerns by centrally managing all processes and data across the operations. For example, the data management platform allows the Scuderia AlphaTauri team to automatically render an entire schematic structure of its racing cars and all serial-tracked parts and store a snapshot of that structure coded to a specific race.
During component production, Kinetic automates the job creation process for each part, minimizing data entry and speeding productivity. The team also has granular visibility into which machine, operator, and tools were used to manufacture each part, helping develop cost-analysis models that inform make-or-buy decisions and quickly correcting any production issues before getting to the track.
"Epicor is at the center of everything we do, and this technology partnership makes perfect sense for us. We're able to quickly deliver the right information to the right people at the right time, which gives us a competitive edge. We are looking forward to go racing with Epicor for many years to come and achieve always greater results," he added.
Kinetic also allows the Scuderia AlphaTauri team to focus on the car and its performance and not be sidetracked by data or process challenges. For example, during testing, the platform overlays all telemetry data collected on the track from the more than 900 sensors onboard each racing car, providing a precise and accurate view into the individual part performance when each part is installed or replaced, and predictive analytics.
The team can also automatically "unwind" the data to earlier snapshots of the car structure to pinpoint potential component issues and ensure a problem is not replicated.
Image credit: iStockphoto/Panuwat Sikham