AI Singapore Partners With Google Cloud for National AI Program

AI Singapore (AISG) and Google Cloud have announced a partnership which they say will advance the adoption of AI and ML across industries in Singapore. AISG is a national AI program launched by the National Research Foundation, which sits under the purview of the Singapore Prime Minister’s Office.

Specifically, the collaboration will see AISG’s AI Apprenticeship Programme (AIAP), 100 Experiments (100E), and Makerspace programs use Google Cloud AI and ML services to solve real-world business problems.

Advancing AI in Singapore

The AIAP is a 9-month program designed to give Singapore citizens with relevant IT backgrounds and basic machine learning skillsets the opportunity to create real-world AI projects – including a 2-month full-time structured training program. The next intake of AIAP starts in September.

Businesses can also approach AI Singapore to have engineers develop minimal viable products using Google Cloud’s technology under the 100E and Makerspace programs. On this front, AISG says it has helped to deploy more than 30 AI projects for the industry and built AI tools and solutions such as the popular open-source RPA tool TagUI.

Two organizations working with AISG are already leveraging Google Cloud tools: and Genesis Gym. The former is developing an AI-based asset inspection solution for industrial applications such as offshore oil and gas platforms. The latter caters to online gym-goers, using computer vision to provide coaching tips.

“Our partnership with Google Cloud will see both teams working on interesting industry projects, talent development, and AI/ML best practices,” said Laurence Liew, the director of AI Innovation for AISG.

“This collaboration will allow our teams to tap on Google Cloud’s engineering team and resources to improve our talent programs, gain access to best-in-class AI tools and AI/ML best practices.”

“AI and machine learning are the next [frontiers] of the digital age, and cloud technologies hold the keys to data-driven solutions that are in demand today,” said Paul Wilson, the managing director for the public sector at Google Cloud Asia Pacific.

“The partnership with AI Singapore sees us working jointly to spearhead new applications of Cloud AI to fundamentally change business models and advance innovation in Singapore. In doing so, we hope to play a role in sustaining the nation’s national competitiveness and transforming Singapore into a global hub for AI solutions,” said Wilson.

Image credit: iStockphoto/Andy